Learning Task 2: Answer the following questions in your notebook. Look at the illustrations above as your guide. 1. How many notes are there in the C Major Scale? Major Scale? and F Major Scale? 2. What is the first pitch name of the first note in C major scale? G Major Scale? and F Major Scale? 3. Where you can find the first note on the staff in C Major Scale? G major Scale? And F Major Scale? Is it in the line or space? 4. What are the names of the scale shown above? 5. Give the pitch name of the first note in each scale. 6. Where can you find the first note in each scale?​

Sagot :


1.7=The key of C contains 7 notes: C, D, E, F, G, A, B; we can mix up these notes to play melodies. If all of the your favorite pop songs were played in the key of C major, chances are they only use these 7 notes, whether it is in the melody, the chords, or the bassline.

2.the tonic= The first pitch of the scale, called the tonic, is the pitch upon which the rest of the scale is based. When the scale ascends, the tonic is repeated at the end an octave higher and thus completes the sc

3.C or Do is the first note of the C major scale, the third note of the A minor scale (the relative minor of C major), and the fourth note (G, A, B, C) of the Guidonian hand, commonly pitched around 261.63 Hz.

4.major scales

5. tonic=The first note of a major scale is called the tonic; the second note, the supertonic, followed by the mediant, subdominant, dominant, submediant, and leading tone.

6.The notes of a scale are numbered by their steps from the first degree of the scale. For example, in a C major scale the first note is C, the second D, the third E and so on.


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