a. commutative justice
b. distributive justice
c. duties
d. social justice
e .human law
f. human right
g. natural law
h. obedience
i. contributive justice
j. right to one's person
k. social responsibility
l. volunteerism

1. The focus of this type of justice is on the institutions, systems and structures not the society that either facilitate or hider the exercise of human rights in the society. *

2. These are made-made laws created by human reason for the common good. *

3.This is the universal moral law grounded on human nature which is discernible through human reason. *

4. This value when you put into practice what is learned by listening to an older person or someone in authority. *

5. This type of justice regulates the exchange of goods and services that take place according to what is agreed upon by parties.

6. This pertains to the government and its leaders' duty to give or distribute to the citizens what is rightfully theirs. *

7. This is the attitude of having the initiative to help and offer work that will improve the quality of human life without expecting any reward. *

8. This refers to what we are obliged to do for others and the society. *

9. This type of justice regulates the citizen's obligation to the larger society and the government. *

10.It is the fundamental claim we make on others and the society so that we can live as persons of dignity. *