Directions: Read each statement thoroughly. Write True the statement is correct and FALSE if it is wrong. Write your answer on your answer sheet. 1.In predation, one organism benefits while the other is badly hurt, or worst, eaten. 2. In parasitism one specie benefits while the other is harmed. 3. In the cat and mouse relationship the cat is considered a parasite and the mouse is the host. 4. Commensalism is considered a harmful interaction. 5. The number of predators in a specific area depends on the number of preys. 6. There are two kinds of parasites such as the external and internal parasites. 7. Cooperation is kind of interaction where organisms work together. 8. Commensalism is a kind of relationship where organisms fight for survival 9. Mutualism is a kind of interaction where one is benefited while the other is harmed 10. We do not need to study about the different beneficial and harmful interactions between organisms.​

Sagot :


  1. True
  2. True
  3. True
  4. True
  5. True ( not sure )
  6. True ( not sure )
  7. True
  8. True
  9. False
  10. True
1. In predation, one organism benefits while the other is badly hurt, or worst, eaten.

• True

2. In parasitism one specie benefits while the other is harmed.

• True

3. In the cat and mouse relationship the cat is considered parasite and the mouse is the host.

• False

4. Commensalism is considered harmful interaction.

• False

5. The number of predators in a specific area depends on the number of preys.

• False

6. There are two kinds of parasites such as external and internal parasites.

• True

7. Cooperation is kind of interaction where both organisms work together.

• True

8. Commensalism is kind of relationship where organisms fight for survival.

• False

9. Mutualism is a kind of interaction where one is benefited while other is harmed.

• False

10. We do not need to study about the different beneficial and harmful interactions between organisms.

• False


> Is a type of interaction where both organisms benefits with each other without harming one another.


> A flower and a butterfly, the butterfly gets nectar from a flower but as the butterfly steps on the surface of the flower pollen grains attaches on its legs, So as the butterfly moves to another flower to get more nectar the pollen grains is transmitted and will reproduce.


> Is a type of interaction where an organism benefits from another organism while the organism that is benefited is not harmed.


> An orchid and a tree, an orchid grows in the trunk of a tree, as the tree provides nutrients to the orchid for it to grow the tree is not affected and the orchid benefits.


> Is an interaction where a predator kills a prey for food or resources.


> A crocodile and antelope, the crocodile kills and eats the antelope while the antelope dies the crocodile benefits.


> Is a type of interaction where organisms compete for resources in order to survive.


> An eagle and vulture, whoever gets themouse first they win and got to have resources.


> Is a type of interaction where an organism harms or kills another organism to benefit.


> Tick and a dog, the tick lives and feeds on the dogs blood, The dog is harmed while the tick benefits.

Note: You can correct me if you think my answer contains errors or mistakes. And plase do not accuse me by copying answers from other sources, I answer questions honestly and is from my own ideas and opinions.
