1. Tools like the Zoom tool or the Marquee tool can be found
in the Tools Window.
2. When the zoom tool is selected, clicking on the image will
increase display size.
3. Zooming is the same with changing the actual image size.
4. PNG has become a popular image format for the web and
is used in place of JPG.
5. Using percent instead of pixels can allow you to make all
of a group of images the same exact height or width.
6. To alter the image size, check the resample image box if it
is not already set.
7. To preserve image quality, avoid making repeated
8. In some programs, you may first need to change the mode
from RGB Color to Indexed Color.
9. In some programs that use layers, you might need to
flatten layers before changing the image mode.
10. The default options for an indexed color image is
adaptive palette, 8 bits/pixel, diffusion dithering.
11. If an area of a photo is too light or too dark, it means
that part of the contrast range is squeezed into too narrow a
12. A histogram is a graphical representation of the
distribution of colors by order of brightness from black to
13. The input levels are the values that will be displayed as
black, red, and the midpoint between them.
14. Set the tolerance to around 23 or 30.
15. If your manipulations make an image that begins to
appear faded, you can enhance the Contrast.
16. Cloning in photographs is not illegal.
17. The farther the point of origin is from the cloning area,
the harder it will be to see repeated patterns.
18. Click the double rectangle icon to check the Show Overlay
box to preview the image to be cloned.
19. The smudge tool can help you smooth over areas with
any bad looking transitions.
20. In Color Management and Output options, you can access
from the pop-up menu in the upper-right corner.
21. Choose the menu item Enhance/Adjust Lighting/Levels in
Photoshop Elements to work with the histogram for the
22. In using the magic wand, if the colors are washed out,
you can enhance the Saturation.
23. If your manipulations make an image that begins to
appear faded, you can enhance the Brightness.
24. Modify the size of the selection using Alt to subtract an
area from the selection or Shift to add an area to the
25. Ideally a photo should make use of the entire range of
luminosity or brightness from black to white.

Sagot :


do it your self because you can learn more about your studies in your mistakes. Just study and learn learn learn. You can do it.


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