Directions: Write the word FACT if the statement about the principles of Art is true and BLUFF if not. Write your answer on the space provided after each number

11. Balance refers to the relation of the weight of objects and their placement to each other. It is a sense of stability you might feel from elements in alignment. It has three forms: symmetrical, asymmetrical, and radial.

12. Proportion is the size of objects in relation to one another, or within a larger whole.

13. Emphasis is an extension of the first two principles when contrast, placement, size, color, or other features are used to highlight one object, area, or other elements of the artwork.

14. Variety is a sense of distinction between elements of an artwork and the opposite of unity, or harmony. It adds a sense of confusion to a work and is often used to highlight powerful emotions.

15. Movement is the use of related elements such as similar colors, shapes, sizes of objects, etc. It is about repetition and a relationship between elements. This builds connection between the objects, creating a sense of flow.​

Sagot :


11. fact

12. fact

13. bluff

14. fact

15. fact

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