Shared ideas of the three Philosophers​

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A philosopher is a person who studies and practices philosophy. A person who expresses opinions or theories on fundamental issues in ethics, metaphysics, logic, and other related fields. A person who establishes the central ideas of a movement, cult, etc. a person who governs his or her life, actions, judgments, utterances, and so on using philosophy or reason.


Confucius was a Spring and Autumn period Chinese philosopher, poet, and politician who was traditionally regarded as the paragon of Chinese sages. Confucius' teachings and philosophy formed the foundation of East Asian culture and society, and they continue to have sway in China and East Asia today.

What was Confucius famous for?

Confucius is regarded as China's first teacher, who sought to make education more widely available and was instrumental in establishing the art of teaching as a vocation. He also established ethical, moral, and social standards that served as the foundation for Confucianism, a way of life.


Martin Buber was an Austrian Jewish and Israeli philosopher best known for his philosophy of dialogue, a type of existentialism based on the distinction between the I–Thou and I–It relationships.

What exactly is Buber's "I and Thou" theory?

Human beings, according to Buber, can have two attitudes toward the world: I-Thou or I-It. I-Thou is a subject-to-subject relationship, whereas I-It is a subject-to-object relationship. ... I-Thou is a mutual and reciprocal relationship, whereas I-It is a separate and detachment relationship.


Wojtyla's moral philosophy is founded on his concept of the human act, which demonstrates efficacy, transcendence, self-determination, and self-fulfillment. The act's morality must be founded on goodness and truthfulness.