Reflection: How important is translation of one's language to another language? ​

Sagot :

How important is translation of one's language to another language? ​

It takes more than just altering the words from one language to another to be considered a translation. Cultures are bridged through translation. It permits you to witness cultural phenomena that would otherwise be too exotic and distant for your own cultural lens to comprehend. Translation services, according to Technitrad, enable two parties from different nations to communicate and exchange ideas. They can interpret documents or break down spoken words to ensure that both parties understand one other in any mode of communication. According to most definitions, the goal of translation is to "convey the original tone and intent of a message while accounting for cultural and regional differences between source and target languages" (Globalization and Localization Association), but how does this reflect the relationship between source and target languages? From source to target, both translation and interpretation facilitate communication across languages.

How important is translation of one's language to another language​?