Sagot :
Sharpened Pencil
I want to he sharpened like a pencil no matter how painful the process is, to be able to write or to become succesfull in life. We may commit mistakes but just like the eraser, we can learn and correct our mistakes Pencil symbolize potential and hope as we can be the person we want to be.
I'd be a garbage can.
Feed me all of your rubbish and worthless items that you don't need, and I'll keep them for you.
The garbage can is usually disregarded because most people don't bother recycling their water bottles in the first place.
People say I'm there for a higher reason, for a cleaner environment, a better world.
But I'm the dusty old blue garbage can still doing my duty but failing to make a difference.
Sometimes a more kind individual would pass by and dump their plastic in me rather than the larger, newer garbage can next to me.
The janitor would sometimes go by and empty the large, sparkling metal garbage can next to me, and I'd be ignored, simply filled, never emptied.
Filled with garbage that is meant to be recycled into something better and more beneficial.
But it simply lays there rotting. Just like me. Without a purpose, you're simply another meaningless wastebasket in this world.
That dusty old blue recycling garbage can would be me.
What types of garbage do you think can be recycled ?