Sagot :
Lately, I shared an article with my favorite quotes from Confucius and how to apply them in my daily life.
As that article received many positive comments, I decided to compile a few more similar posts, sharing favourite quotes from ancient philosophers, successful entrepreneurs, and my idols.
I personally love quotes. I regularly change my phone and laptop display to new quotes that inspire me, I write them down in my journals, I have them on my vision board, and at home, we even have them all over our walls and doors.
I especially admire philosophical quotes from people who lived hundreds or even thousands of years ago. At first sight, most of their quotes are inspiring, yet, once you start reflecting, you realize how profound these lessons are.
It truly amazes me how humanity was aware of the core principles of a happy, fulfilled life — even thousands of years ago. Yet, sometimes we still fail to apply those lessons.
Gautama Buddha was a mendicant, meditator, and spiritual teacher who lived in India between the sixth and the fourth centuries BC.
Through his philosophy, he created Buddhism, built a massive following and is undoubtedly one of the most influential figures of all time.