Write a Paragraph composition showing comparison and contrast from the topic.
Computers and Books

Both computers and books play an integral and big part into our lives especially in data gathering for school works, activities and even in home. Our world has been evolving ever since, when it comes to gathering of information whereas, before, books are used manually and they give concrete information and answers to our queries. However, books become outdated, especially information nowadays do change constantly, and some of the information from books are already vague. When computers took over, all of the information that we need are already shown with just one click, indeed, computers made our lives much easier and convenient. However, there disadvantages when it come to using computers just like using books, it can affect our eye health when used for a long time, and some of the information given by the computer are not legitimate, so it is needed to double check the website that we are visiting as fake information are rampant nowadays. These two sources of information are a great to us, people, we just need to balance and use them for our own advantage in so many ways. As they say, everything is good, but in moderation.