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1.Cordillera-style of singing without prior preparation or practice in leader-chorus form.

a.Ibaloibadiw b.Dagdagay c.Oppia d.Owiwi

2.The following Cordillera Vocal Music are infancy related songs of the Kalinga expect ______ .

a.Bua b.Dagdagay c. Oppia d.Owiwi

3.LanganBataBata is an infancy related Cordillera vocal music of the ______ tribe.

a.Ifugao b.Kalinga c.Subbanned d.Tausug

4.Ifugao epic poetry which is recited and chanted during occasions.

a.Bua b.Hudbud c.kawayana
d.Langan Bata

5.Ifugao gongs played by striking with the palm while
rested on the lap

a.Bungkaka b.GangsaPalook