LESTERCORDOVA2005GO LESTERCORDOVA2005GO Technology and Home Economics Answered True or false 1.Select a plate that is appropriate to the portion of the items you will be serving.2.Overcrowded plate looks unappealing that would turn the diner to rearrange the items for their convenience.3.Ensure that the items to be placed on the plate are unrecognizable4.Maintain harmony. This can be done by creating a center of attention among the items on the plate.5.Garnishes are added purposely.6.Typically, garnish should always be unedible and not relevant to the food you are presenting.7.Add sauce creatively. Avoid too much amount of sauce that would look messy.8.Keep it simple. Avoid confusing the diner on what to focus on.9.Make sure that the main dish is identifiable and not hanging off the edge.10.Garnish the dish that is in contrast of its color