To check your prior knowledge about the topic, and to solicit the questions that you want to know about it, fill in the know and want to know components of the Know-Want to know-Learned (KWL) chart properly and correctly. For the Know component, you may write words or sentence. For the want to know component , state your responses in interrogative or question form. You may list as many responses as you want for each component. Write your responses on a separate sheet of paper. RWL Chart Topic Know, Want to know ,Leared chosentrack Guide Questions: 1. Based from what you have written on the Know component of the chart, what do you know about the reaffirming the chosen track? 2. If you were to think of a question that you want to ask about the reaffirming the chosen track, what question would that be?​ pakisagot po:>​

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di kupo maintindihan paki ayus pu ng question