3. Which of the following are examples of astronomical phenomena before the advent of telescopes? A. Visibility of planets B. Different phases of the moon C. Occurence of lunar and solar eclipse D. All of the above​

Sagot :

The astronomical phenomena before the advent of telescopes

There are a lot of astronomical phenomena before the advent of telescope. Ancient people had already noticed certain astronomical phenomena before the invention of the telescope. The sun and moon are the most visible celestial objects even without a telescope.

In order to methodically observe the motion of the sun, Babylonian and Egyptian civilizations employed an early version of a sundial called a gnomon. They were able to see that the sun rises in the eastern part of the sky, reaches its maximum position in midday, and sets in the western portion of the sky by looking at the shadows made by the gnomon.

They discovered that the spots on the horizon where the sun rises and sets varies from year to year, and that these variations occur on a regular basis. They noticed that these differences were tied to weather and came to the conclusion that seasonal climatic changes occur over the course of a year. Telescope is very important to those people who really are interested in astronomy. How amazing it is to be part of the past where they can observe the sky even without telescope.

Example of astronomical phenomena before the advent of telescope
