we road 3.125 an "borty eight and one hundred twenty five thou What is IC Read the following decimal numbers: Tens Tonths hundredths thousandths Ten thousandths 0 3 5 Decimal Number Fraction 0.8 O 10 100 0.25 or 0.4532 or 23.654 or How to read and write? Eight tenths Twenty-five hundredths Four thousand live hundred thirty two ten thousandths Twenty-three and six hundred of four thousandths 10000 651 23 1000 A BC What's More 4.036 Directions: Write the following in figures. Example: four and thirty-six thousandths 1) Fifty-six and two thousandths 2) Eighty-two and thirty ten thousandths 3) Eight hundred sixty-nine and one tenths 4) One hundred five and twelve hundredths 5) Three and two hundred forty-six thousandths​