1. It refers to the physical appearance of a product when a consumer sees it, A. Record keeping B. Advertising C. Packaging D. Marketing -2. Packaging was already used in China around the A.12" century B.13th century C. 15th century D. 20th century 3. If you start a small project, what will you use to list down costs and expenses? A.Pad paper B. record book C. pupil's book D. manila paper 4. This packaging allows you to transmit information with the use of labels. A. For informing B.For protection C. For convenience D. For advertising 5. This purpose of packaging is designed to make it easier for products to be stacked on top of one another. A. For convenience B. For protection C. For informing D. For advertising 6. It is a form of marketing communication used to persuade an audience to take or continue some action, usually with respect to commercial offering. A.sales promotion B. cost C. selling D. advertising 7. The following are some examples of ways to package household linens except A. Taped B. Ribbon C. Semi-open box D. For protection 8. If you produce a good enough product, there is a good possibility that you will get a regular A.Sailor B. Costume C. Costumer D. Buying 9. This is also another simple type of packaging because of its minimal cover. A. Rolled B. Semi-open box C. Ribbon D. Taped 10. It is a local fiber which is an example of indigenous material for packaging. A. Banaba B. Panda C. Sinamay D. Banana​