ANNALAUREANO5GO ANNALAUREANO5GO Spanish Answered Activity 3. Let us outline your reviewUsing the outline below, create an outline for your literature reviewTake note of the following:a. Write an introductory paragraph that tells the reader what the section is and the different concepts that you intend to discuss or review.b.Expand the outline depending on the number of Research Questions that you havec. Expand the outline depending on the number of concepts that you want to review to support or discuss the key ideas of your Research Questionsd. Use transitional devices, especially if you intend to add, compare, contrast from Concept 1 to Concept 2, from Concept 2 to Concept 3, and so on.e.Write a concluding paragraph for the literature review either by:a) Recapping the concepts that you have covered b Introducing the previous (ie. Review of Related Literaturej to the nextsection (eg. Methodology)f. Change the heading Review of Related Literature according to your teacher'sinstruction.Review of Related Literature OutlineIntroductory ParagraphReview for Research Question 1Concept 1:1Concept 2:Concept 3:Review for Research Question 2Concept 1:Concept 2:Concept 3Review for Research Question 2Concept 1Concept 2Concept 3Concluding Paragraph