PART II: PERFORMANCE TASK GOAL: To use conditional / if - then statements in writing cause - effects relationships through poster / slogan / etc. ROLE: • Chairman of National Disaster Risk and Reduction Management Council AUDIENCE: The public/ Filipinos SITUATION: Imagine you are the Chairman of National Disaster Risk and Reduction Management Council You are responsible for informing the public what will happen if the people do not follow safety precautions BEFORE, DURING, and AFTER typhoon. PRODUCT: Create an information campaign material (poster, slogan, etc.) about the effects of not following safety precautions BEFORE, DURING and AFTER typhoon. STANDARDS: Your material must showcase the cause and effects of not following safety precautions before, during and after typhoon using conditional / if - then statements RUBRICS: Originality 20% Depth and Content 30% Coherence 20% Application of Conditional statements . 30%