1.The 1987 Constitution attempted to modify the system of government into the parliamentary type, relegating the President to a largely ceremonial role.

2. The executive power is vested in the Congress.

3.The three branches of the government operate under a check-and-balance mechanism.

4. The President, aside from executing law, has the "power of the purse.

5. Under Section 17. Article VII of the 1987 Constitution, the President shall have control of all the executive departments, bureaus, and offices.

6.The President is considered the Commander-in-chief of all armed forces of the Philippines.

7.In the Philippine context, the President is the head of state, as well as the head of government.

8. The Congress has the authority to increase the amount of budget recommended by the President for the general appropriations bill.

9.The President wields diplomatic power and can enter into treaties and other international agreements with heads of other states.

10.The police power is used to issue rules governing the operations of government, orders directing the performance of certain acts, and proclamations like the fixing of special holidays or declaring something of public interest.

11.President shall appoint the cabinet members of the government.

12:The writ of habeas corpus is a judicial process which inquires into all manner of involuntary restraint and serves to relieve a person therefrom if such restraint is illegal.

13. The Congress itself shall have the authority to propose its annual budget. 14.The President is obliged to have his speaking engagement called, State of the Nation Address (SONA) before the Congress.

15.Emergency powers shall also be vested in the President, delegated by the Congress, in times of state of emergency or calamity.

16.The President wields power over aliens.

17.The Congress, with the approval of the President, can borrow money from foreign sources and can guarantee the payment of foreign loans.

18. Criminal offenses are acts committed against the State.

19 Proclamation 1081 issued by President Ferdinand Marcos, which placed the entire country under was an example of ordinance power exercised by the head of state.

20. The President can suspend the writ of habeas corpus.

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