BRIANNA0809GO BRIANNA0809GO Technology and Home Economics Answered 1. What is food preservation?a. it is the process of treating and handling food to stop or slow down the bacterial growth in the food.b. it is the process of assessing food for customer satisfaction.c. it is the process of letting bacteria grow faster.d. it is the process of selling food to the market.7. Why is food important?a. it is important because the buyer wants a quality product.b. it is important because the demand of the market is high.c. it is important because the bacterial growth is slowed or stop.d. it is important because the food product in the community or stopped.8. Why do we need to assess preserved/processed food?|. we need to know the health benefits of the foods we eat.||. We need to know if it is saleable in our community or school.|||. We need to know if the preserved/processed food is of good quality.a. | only b. | and ||c. || and |||d. |,||,and |||9. What are we going to use in assessing preserved /process food to the quality?a. table c. rubrics b. checklist d. criteria 10. What is the formula in computing the profit?a. profit=total sales - total expenses b. profit=total expenses + total sales c. profit=total sales × total expensesd. profit=total sales/total expenses