write sources of fruit-bearing trees in the phillippines 20 words

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Mangosteen trees grow only in warm tropical climates; they produce round dark purple fruits that are popular throughout the world. They grow best in humid conditions and rich soils. Mangosteen has an edible sweet white pulp, which makes up only one-third of the fruit. People also use mangosteen trees to make dyes and medicines for thrush and intestinal problems. Some farmers in the Philippines grow mangosteen trees to export the fruits.

Papayas are tasty, sweet fruits when ripe, and people eat them raw and in shakes. Unripe papaya fruits also work well in savory dishes. Papayas have orange or pinkish interior edible flesh with dark seeds inside. They have yellow or green exteriors, which are not eaten. The trees grow best in warm and sunny areas with regular rain or irrigation. The largest varieties of papaya trees grow up to 33 feet tall, but many papaya trees stay shorter than this height.

Mangoes have sweet orangish flesh with green, orange and yellowish exterior layers that people peel off before eating the fruit. They also have large pits in their centers. People around the world buy mangoes exported from other countries, and farmers in the Philippines can grow mangoes for profit. The trees like sunny areas, loamy soils and distinct wet and dry seasons.

Bananas are a popular local and export crop in the Philippines. The trees can tolerate a wide range of soil types and pH levels, but they require good drainage to grow healthily. Sweet bananas are popular eaten alone or in desserts, and savory plantain are popular

Durian is an Asian fruit that grows on trees that reach up to 40 feet tall. The trees have peeling reddish-brown bark, and they produce fruits known for their offensive smell and delicious taste. The fruits have green or brown spiky exteriors. Durian trees require slightly acidic and fertile soil, and they grow at elevations up to 800 feet. for frying.

Avocado trees have large dark green leaves. They reach heights of 30 to 60 feet tall and grow well in a variety of soil types. Despite their wide planting range in warm climates, avocados do not grow well in very windy areas. They are not native to the Philippines, but have grown there for hundreds of years. Popular around the world, avocados generate money as export crops.


I hope my answer helps