Study the puzzle Find all the ten (10) words which you have learned from the
topic "Plant Reproduction". The words may be written horizontally, vertically, or
diagonally. Complete the clue letter on the box.​

Sagot :

"Plant Reproduction"

Two parents' genetic material (DNA) is required for sexual reproduction. Gametes are male and female sex cells in the parent plants. The male and female gametes' genetic material unite to make children. Fertilization is the term for this procedure. Fertilization produces seeds that include genetic material from both parents. As a result, neither of the parent plants' offspring are genetically similar. If the environment changes, they may be able to survive thanks to their genetic variety.

Pollination is a mechanism by which flowering plants reproduce sexually. Male sex organs called stamens and female sex organs called pistils are found in flowers. The portion of the stamen that carries pollen called the anther. This pollen must be transferred to the stigma, which is a component of the pistil.

The male reproductive parts of a plant are __ , __ and __ .
