MALINA3GO MALINA3GO Geography Answered 31. The star fruit is used in treating diabetes mellitus and the latex is used as resolute abscesses. 32. The purpose of pruning young trees is to shape and control the direction of the growth of the tree. 33. In grafting, a branch or twig is induced to produce roots while this is attached to the parent plant. 34. Cover spray is used in order to protect the fruit through the application of the pesticide to fruit trees at interval after the petals fall. 35. Organic fertilizer widens the feeding zones of the plants for food. 36. In planting fruit trees, the most appropriate to utilize is by using seeds taken from the parent plant. 37. Applying the recommended chemicals with the correct dosage is required for the production of good quality fruits. 38. Developing very deep root system is absolutely advantageous. 39. Thinning is the practice of removal of parts of a plant while pruning is the practice of reducing the number fruits. 40. Backyard fish culture is a method appropriate in rearing fish at sea cost like the milkfish.