Simplify the following radicals. Show your solutions.

point of view,,, question 1 who is the narrating of the story? answer 1. the story narrate by Eva Ibbotson
---conflict,,, question 2. what is the struggle of the main character? answer 2. she was only taken care off by her relatives because of her money.
--- theme,,,question what is the idea story is focusing? point of view,,, question 1 who is the narrating of the story? answer 1. the story narrate by Eva Ibbotson
---conflict,,, question 2. what is the struggle of the main character? answer 2. she was only taken care off by her relatives because of her money.
--- theme,,,question what is the idea story is focusing? answer the story is focusing on the struggle of life
answer the story is focusing on the struggle of life