Direction: Encircle the letter of the correct answer
1. Which of the following is a verbal phrase for
bRatio of bof c. equal to dlat most
2. Ten more than a number is
by 10 by-10 c. 10 d. 10x
3. It is a term with no variable
Baseb constant variable exponent
4.3. in 3 is
b Base b. exponent c. variable d constant
S. ITX-2, then the value of 2x + 2 is
b: 26.4 c 2 d. 4
6. If a = 6, b 24, and c-9, evaluate
b.10 6.10 -5 0.5
7. 3c 5, ite 2
b. b.2 C3 d. -1
8. Find the sum of 5x + 12x
b. 175.17X c. 19+X d. 19+X
9. Find the difference: 21y - By
. 12y b. 137 c. 29. d. 13-Y
10. Which of the following are like terms?
e. 5x'y and 30xy
122y and -22y
B 28b and - 155
h 10x'y and 4x'y