FLAGINOGAKOGO FLAGINOGAKOGO Technology and Home Economics Answered _______ 1. The chance or the probability that a person willbe harmedA. Biological Hazard_______ 2. Caused by organism such as viruses, bacteriafungi, and parasitesB. Hazards_______ 3. The cause of potential damage, harm, oradverse health effectsC. Chemical Hazard_______ 4. A hazard that comes from environmentalfactorsD. Risk_______ 5. Vapor or gaseous substance E. Physical Hazard_______ 6 Slips, falls F. Wet floor_______ 7. Noise vibration energy G. Adverse Health Effect_______ 8. Decrease in life span H. Psychological Hazard_______ 9. Those that are basically causing stress I. Unsafe Workplace_______ 10. Awkward posture arising from improper workmethodsJ. Ergonomic HazardK. Trip Hazardpa helpp