SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT A MODIFIED TRUE OR FALSE Read the statements carefully White TRUE f the statement is true otherwise write FALSE IF the statement is incorrect underline the incorrect word or words and replace them Write the correction over the underined word Example TRUE 1. Claims of policy involve action on what should or what ought to be done
2. A claim of value suggests that something is true or untrue facx Begin here:
1 Use of claims may serve the purpose of convincing or persuading readers or a specific audience to agree with specific stand or rationale on an issue.
2 When the job of an adverb is to connect ideas we call it a transitional device
3. The claim of the thesis statement of the writer must not be supported by several arguments presented in the body of the essay
4. Evidence are shreds of evidence to justify your reasons for your claim
5 Argumentative essay is meant to discourage the reader to accept or seriously consider your opinion on a controversial Issue​