RUBRICS FOR ESSAY WRITING Content or Outstanding(5) Achieved (3) Developing (1) The essay contains The essay contains The essay contains four to five (4-5) two to three (2-3) one no information about the information about the information at all locality. It has 150 locality. It has 100-149 about the locality. It words or more with words with five to has less than 100 eight to ten (8-10) seven (5-7) words with three to appropriately used appropriately used / four (3-4) opinion-marking opinion-marking appropriately used signals signals opinion-marking signals Insights It clearly effectively tells "realstory on given topic. and it does not clearly and There is no story on the effectively tell the the given topic the "real" story on the given topic Grammar and Mechanics The essay is free from The essay may have a The essay may errors in grammar, few errors in have errors in usage, and the grammar, usage, or grammar, usage, or conventions of written conventions of written conventions of English English; these errors written English: do not cause these errors may confusion lead to some confusion.​

RUBRICS FOR ESSAY WRITING Content Or Outstanding5 Achieved 3 Developing 1 The Essay Contains The Essay Contains The Essay Contains Four To Five 45 Two To Three class=

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salamat po sa point can u pls brainliest me