Choose two movies that you have watched. One is the movie that you really like best and the other is the movie that you really do not like. Express your opinion about the two movies using different opinion-marking signals. Explain why you like or do not like the movie.​

Sagot :


MOVIE THAT I LIKE: Angry birds movie 2

* My favourite Disney movie is Angry birds movie 2 because it's very hilarious/funny.

* In my opinion Angry birds movie 2 is the most hilarious/funniest Disney movie I have ever seen.

* I think Angry birds movie 2 is a very amazing movie.

* I strongly believe that you will love Angry birds movie 2 just like how much I love it.


*In my opinion you should not watch Annabelle the movie because it's really scary and I know it will give you some scary nightmares.

* Never watch Anabelle the movie or else you will never like dolls again.

* My least favourite movie is Anabelle the movie because of how scary it is, it will give you a lot of nightmares.