Sagot :
A speaker carries out nomination to collaboratively and productively establisha topic. Basically, when you employ this strategy, you try to open a topic withthe people you are talking to.
presenting a particular topic clearly, truthfully, and saying only what isrelevant
It is a strategy that can also be applied any time during the course of aninteraction as a way of continuing the communication. When this strategy isused, the topic is introduced in a clear and truthful manner, stating only whatis relevant to keep the interaction focused.Examples:
"Do you have anything to say?"
"Have you heard the news about the prettiest girl in school?"
your turn to ask questions."
"Does that make sense to you?"
2. Restriction
Restriction in communication refers to any limitation you may have as aspeaker.
constraining the response or reaction within a set of categories
strategy that constrains or restricts the Response of the other person involvedin the Communication Situation. The Listener is forced to respond only withina set of categories that is made by the Speaker.Examples:
In your class, you might be asked by your teacher to brainstorm on peerpressure.
When you were asked to deliver a speech in a specific language.
3. Turn-Taking
Turn-taking pertains to the process by which people decide who takes theconversational floor. There is a code of behaviour behind establishing andsustaining a productive conversation, but the primary idea is to give allcommunicators a chance to speak.
recognizing when and how to speak because it is one’s turn
requires that each Speaker speaks only when it is his/ her turn duringinteraction. Knowing when to talk depends on watching out for the verbal andnonverbal cues that signal the next Speaker that the previous Speaker hasfinished or the topic under discussion has been exhausted and a new topicmay be introduced. At the same time, it also means that others should begiven the opportunity to take turn. Turn-taking Communicative Strategy useseither an informal approach (just jump in and start talking) or a formalapproach (permission to speak is requested).Example:
Can we all listen to the one who talk in front of us?
"Excuse me? I think we should speak one at a time, so we can clearlyunderstand what we want to say about the topic."
"Go on with your ideas. I'll let you finish first before I say something."
hope it help:)