a. Phallic
f. Psychoanalysis
k. Rational Choice Theory
b. Anal
g. Human-environment Systems i. iFeminist Theory c. Oral h. Humanism
m. Marxists Feminist
d. Latent
i. Intentionality
n. Radical Feminist
e. Superego
j. Hermeneutic Phenomenology
o. Christine de Pizan write the letter of the correct answer.
1.The primary assumption of this theory is that individuals are rational and they always choose things that will pre them maximum happiness. 2. The 15h century work of . titled La Cite de Dames is acknowledged as the first work in the tradition of fermi 3. This is a call for the reorientation of society and eradication of masculine supremacy.
4. This kind of feminism focuses on social and class inequalities and how female exploitation is located within tha inequalities.
5. The history of this theory is divided into three waves, all focused on empowering women and addressing his inequality between men and women.
6. The rise of phenomenology was subsequently the rise of
7. A characteristic of consciousness wherein in consciousness is always directed at something.
8. This approach believes in the acceptance of multiple interpretations of a phenomenon and is focused on the subjective experiences of individuals and groups.
9. This theory is a scientific framework that aims to understand the interactions between systerns and environme systerns and how changes in one consequently affects the other.
10. It refers to the theories of the human mind that is used in treating mental disorders and illnesses.
11. It represents the conscience and social and social influences or rules that control the impulses of the id. 12. At this stage. sexual feelings halts or slows down as the superego develops and the desires of the id are suppresse
13. At this stage, the erogenous zone or the chief source of pleasure is the mouth.
14. At this stage, the erogenous zone or the chief source of pleasure is the anus or anal region.
15. At this stage, the genitals become the erogenouS zones. their definition ​