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Summarize the story, "Take a hike, Allergies!" on your own
Take a Hike, Allergies! So. this will be a challenge. Jessica says What food allergies are most common and what thoughtfully, "but we can do it. Let's get started happens when people consume food they are on our menus! I wish I knew more about food allergic to? allergies now, though. As Georgia's scout troop gathers to plan Tve been reading about allergles'reples their meals for the upcoming hike through Michelle An allergic reaction happens becoiss Pennsylvania. Jessica yells excltedly. "Of course the body thinks certain foods are trying to harn we'l need trail mix it. The most common allergens are eggs foh milk, tree nuts. peanuts. shelftsh. soy, and whegt The other girls laugh, but Georgia groans Most allergens are proteins. Lefs gef our menu inwardly. She knows she has to once ogain firnished. and then we can talk some more cbou educate her triends about her peanut allergy food allergies. This is an important conversation Having a severe allergic reaction on the because we have to be prepared to hande trall-in the middle of nowhere--would bea catastrophe any emergency we encounter on the trall Allergic reactions are definitely among these Luckily, their scout leader, Michelle. Is emergencles that could come up. prepared to negotiate the issue. Trail mix sounds lke a great idea, but we'l have to be careful 10 Jessica whips out a pen. Poised to write, shee to keep everyone in mind as we're planning asks the girls "What would you like in your trol our meas. Georgia is allergic to peanuts. and mix then? Angela is llerglc to eogs Definitely not peanuts. Or hard-boled Georgia's heod snaps up to look at Angela egos Rachel deciares and giggles at the She didn't kniow another gi in their troop had thought of hard-bolled eggs in their tral mix allergies. Georgia breathes a huge sigh of relef, because her friends are happily embracing the chalenge Yeah sory." says Angela. "1 don't mean fo make sure everyone stays healthy on ther to cause problems but when I eat eggs 1 hike. Now that she doesn't have to worry about have serlous physical reoctions. My mouth annioying everyone in her troop, her mind tuns and lips swell ight away, Ican actualy go to wondering if her friends might lke cranberes into anaphylaxis, which means I have trouble in their trail mix. like she does. breathing because my throat swells up, my blood pressure drops. and I might evern pass out After the menus are finally completed Ern Eggs make me feel really sick to my stomach. who is usually the quietest in the group, begns too. bouncing excitedly in her seat. "You know she SCays. we came up with a much better menu Michelle adds We'll definitely leave eggs fhan we would have if you guys didn'f have and peanuts off the menu. but we'll have to be allergles. We are going to have an amazing it very caretul about the ingredients in all the foods and eat some amazing food. tool we take with us. Sometimes foods have eggs or peanuts listed as ingredients, and you never Everyone smles as they nod their heads h would have guessed they would be in there. agreement. For me. explains Georgia. "i's always best ifa product notes right on the packaging that it was made in a peanut-free facility, Even the finiest troce of peanuts immediately stuffs up my nose and makes it hard for me to breathe, and 1 start wheezing. My body also swells, and I get Covered with big raised bumps called hives. 1 realy don't want this to happen to me when we are a day's hike away from the nearest town."