ASSIGNMENT: Research about handheld digital microscope and how they are used differentiate them with compound microscopes in terms of how they are manipulated to focus a specimen.

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What is a Digital Microscope?

A digital microscope is a modern microscope that lacks an eyepiece, an immense difference from the traditional optical microscope. They have a digital camera which is the detector and the image output device. The display of the image is done on a computer screen or monitor, defining the microscope’s digital scope. This microscope’s light source is an inbuilt LED-source as compared to the optical microscope whose light source is accessed from outside the microscope through an eyepiece.

Principle of a Digital Microscope

Digital Microscopes have the hardware and the software tools that allow its functionality in focusing and extracting an image from a specimen. Using installed software, the image from the specimen is captured that can be seen on the computer monitor screen. Depending on the software, the visualized images can be captured as still or motion videos, they can be recorded, edited, cropped, labeled, and saved. The software can also be used for measuring the image sizes, magnifying, and modification the image in several ways.

Parts of a Digital Microscope

The development of the digital Microscope takes into account two of its major functions. The Input and out functions and in this aspect, the digital microscope is made of two major parts;

The hardware – this is majorly the analog part of the microscope, with a light source, the analog microscope, a camera, and the camera components. the Camera replaces the eyepiece of the traditional microscope. The image from the specimen gets focused on the camera and it is displayed on the computer monitor screen which is then stored and can also be processed.

The software – This is the section of the microscope that has the camera drivers and the image processing software, which has organized units which include the viewer unit, brightness adjustment unit, image contrast unit, histogram equalization unit, image scaling unit and the image cropping unit. The image viewer unit continuously displays the specimen and captures the image from the microscope which is stored and processed depending on the user’s preferences. The image brightness adjustment unit enhances the brightness of the image depending on how much light is focused on the specimen. It controls the intensity of the light in pixels. The image brightness adjustment takes place in a grayscale transformation represented by an equation:

Jo = Ji + C, (whereby Jo is the output image, Ji is the input image and C is the brightness adjustment constant). The C is set in positive value to increase the brightness and in negative value to reduce the brightness.

The image contrast enhancement unit functions in adjusting the image contrast. Lower contracts show a narrow histogram while high contrast is shown by wide histogram is intended to adjust the contrast of an image.

Compound Microscopes

Compound light microscopes are commonly used to view items that are too small to see with the naked eye. They have several strengths of objective lenses and rely on light shining from beneath the specimen. This requires that a specimen be very thin and at least partly translucent. Most specimens are stained, sectioned and placed on a glass slide for viewing. A compound microscope can magnify up to 1,000 times and provide the ability to see much more detail. The working distance varies from 0.14 to 4 mm.
