Activity No. 3 Infographic Poster Making

Objective: Synthesize information from different theories about the origin of life.

What you need: magazines, newspapers, old books, art materials (pencil, crayons,

glue, scissors, etc), bond paper

What to do:

1. Create an infographic poster based on the topic assigned or chosen (choose only one

theory or hypothesis). Read through the key concepts provided as guide in making

your own synthesis. The infographic poster should be attractive and contain important

information. You are to synthesize the following details based on your understanding

and will have to say it on your own words.

2. The infographic poster should have the following details:

a. Topic/ Title and Proponent (Theory of Special Creation by Father Sudrez; Cosmozoic

Theory by Richter and Helmholtz; Abiogenesis Theory by Greek Philosophers;

Biogenesis Theory by Francisco Redi, Lazaro Spallanzani and Louis Pasteur; Oparin

and Haldane’s Hypothesis by Aleksandr Oparin and J. B. S. Haldane; Urey-Miller

Hypothesis by Stanley Miller and Harold Urey; Fossils and Geologic Time Scale)

b. 1 or 2 Leading questions (based on the topic, pose very important question/s; it

should be appealing to audience such that they would be encouraged to read through);

(e.g. When did the first life forms emerged? Does life come from life or non-life? Explain

how Francisco Redi proved the ‘Biogenesis’ theory.)

c. Content/ details (answers to leading questions and facts provided)

e. References​