
1.) ARM - is used to grab the microscope one location to another.
2.) STAGE CLIPS - Holds the slide in place on the stage.
3.) COARSE AND FINE ADJUSTMENT KNOB - located on the side of the frame, used to adjust the focus of the microscope.
4.) DIAPHGRAM - located on the stage, adjusts the amount of light passing into the slide.
5.) MICROSCOPE -magnifier of the image of small objects.
6.) EYEPIECE - is the part of the microscope that magnifies the image produced by the microscope's objective so that it can be seen by the human eye.
7.) BASE -the bottom of the microscope, used for support.
8.) OCULAR LENS -the lens or system of lenses in a microscope that is nearest to the object being viewed.
9.) HEAD -supports upper part of the microscope.
10.) FINE FOCUS - used to sharpen the focus quality of the image after it has been brought into focus with the coarse focus knob.
11.) MIRROR - used to reflect light from an external light source up through the bottom of the stage.
12.) REVOLVING NOSEPIECE OR TURRET-Holds two or more objective lenses and can be rotated to change power.
13.) TUBE -connects the eyepiece to the objective lenses.
14.) RACK STOP - determines how close the objective lens can get to the slide.
15.) APERTURE - allows light from the illuminator to reach the specimen.