Identification: Instruction: Identify the communicative strategy expressed in each statement. Choose from the word pool on the box. Write the letter of the correct answer before each number.
A. Nomination B. Restriction C. Turn-taking D. Topic Control E. Topic Shifting F. Repair G. Termination
1." It is good to see familiar faces once again, nice weather, isn't it?"
2. “Always remember that life is a blessing. Have a pleasant day, everyone, until we meet again."
3. "I hope you understand, what I mean is, I appreciate your effort."
4. "Ok, let's go back to our discussion of the plan to visit our relative."
5. "Moving on to our next topic, let's ask father about his retirement program.”
6. "Annie, what is your opinion regarding the proposed welcome party for Janet?” 7."May I remind you that you have only one minute to talk about global warming." 8. “Now, it is time to discuss the second topic for today."
9. "Good evening, have you been to Tagaytay?"
10." I am enjoying this conversation but I have to go. See you around..
11." Let me repeat what I have said earlier, I am willing to help."
12." Excuse me, can I say something?" 13. "I am sorry for interrupting, will you please read the instruction again?
14." Hello classmates, I am a transferee. Will you tell me the name of our adviser?"
15. "As a witness in the recent bullying incident in your class, will you tell me what you saw?"

pa answer Naman po need po Ngayon na​