Write O if the statement is an OPINION and A if it is an ASSERTION.

______ 1. Harry Potter movies are the best!

______ 2. Eating breakfast is very important.

______ 3. Swimming is a kind of exercise.

______ 4. Kittens are adorable.

______ 5. The fastest land-dwelling creature is the Cheetah.

______ 6. "I know you've really been busy, but I want to feel that our relationship is important to you. I want you to make time for me and for us.

______ 7. If you don't complete the work on my car by 5:00 tomorrow, I'll be forced to call the Better Business Bureau.

______ 8. When you didn't buy the groceries like you said you would, I couldn't cook the dinner for my parents. I feel hurt and angry with you. Next time, I'd like you to follow through when you agree to do something like that.

______ 9. The article about COVID-19 cases is the worst I’ve read in a while​