____ 1. One of the basic principles of graphics and design. _______ 2. It a form where websites are evaluated _______ 3. It refers to the timeliness of the information. _______ 4. It refers to the reliability, truthfulness, and correctness of the content. _______ 5. It is an example of a web portal. _______ 6. It is a website that contains information from different sources and places them in one location in a uniform way. _______ 7. It is the regard that is held to deserve; the importance, worth, or usefulness of something. _______ 8. It is the quality of being suitable or proper in the circumstances. _______ 9. It is the process of determining the significance, value, quality and appropriateness of something. _______ 10. It is the standard of something as measured against other things of a similar kind. _______ 11. This catalog creation software is great for companies with catalogs over 200 pages. _______ 12. This software allows the automatic layout of catalogs and is very useful when exhaustive control over the position and design of each one of the elements is required. _______ 13. It is an online publishing tool that uses a globalized browser to create and publish digital catalogs, but also other types of materials such as reports, brochures, or magazines, among others. _______ 14. This innovative and intuitive platform allows the integration of product content as well as the management and hierarchy of the catalog. _______ 15. a platform designed especially for managing product content easily, with no specialized tech knowledge needed.

Sales Layer
Evaluation form
Catalog Time
Web portal