Need help

What do these verses mean to you?
EXODUS 20:2-5

a. God said, "I am the Lord your God ... you shall have no others gods before Me. You
shall not make into yourselves any graven [ craved ] image ...You shall not bow
down to them , nor serve them..."


MATTHEW 22:37-38

b. " You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind. This is the great commandments."


Sagot :


EXODUS 20:2-5

In my opinion, this verse tells you to be loyal to God, for He has loved you and helped you for a long time. Worshipping other gods will do nothing to your life to succeed. For there is only one true God.

MATTHEW 22:37-38

I think that this verse tells you to love and worship God. He will always be in your soul, telling you what to do. Even if you feel like He isn't there, He is always there. He will never leave your side for He loves you very much.


That's my answer. I hope it helps you! :]