7. What was the turning point of the story The Soul of the Great Bell?

A. When Ko-Ngai leaped into the white flood of metal.

B. When the bell was cast, and the result was even worst for the second time.

C. When Ko-Ngai found out the letter of Celestial August and read exactly the content of the letter. of casting the metal.

D. When they discovered, that despite their great labor and ceaseless care, the result was void of worth in the first time ​

Sagot :


Nearly five hundred years ago, the Celestial August and Yung- Lo commanded the worthy official Kouan- Yu to make a bell that the sound thereof might be heard for one hundred Li. He therefore called the master moulders and renowned bellsmiths and all men of great repute and cunning in foundry work to began the labor. But when the metal had been cast, it was discovered that the result was void of worth; for the metals had rebelled one against the other therefore the moulds had to be once more prepared, and the fires rekindled, and the metal remelted, and all the work tediously and toilsomely repeated. The Son of Heaven heard and was angry, but spake nothing. A second time the bell was cast, and the result was even worse. The Celestial August was angrier than before and send Kouan- Yu letter telling him that another failure will cost his life. Ko- ngai, the daughter of Kouan- Yu learned about this and feared the life of his father so she consulted an astrologer and gave her an answer "Gold and brass will never meet in wedlock, silver and iron never will embrace, until the flesh of a maiden be melted in the crucible; until the blood of a virgin be mixed with the metals in their fusion." So Ko-Ngai returned home sorrowful at heart; but she kept secret all that she had heard, and told no one what she had done. At last came the awful day when the third and last effort to cast the great bell was to be made; and Ko-Ngai, together with her waiting-woman, accompanied her father to the foundry, and they took their places upon a platform overlooking the toiling of the moulders and the lava of liquefied metal. Then Ko- Ngai leaped into the white flood of metal and the lava of the furnace roared to receive her. All was shocked including his father and her waiting-woman holding her shoe. But in spite of all these things, the command of the Celestial and August had to be obeyed. It was found that the bell was beautiful to look upon and perfect in form, and wonderful in colour above all other bells. And when they sounded the bell, its tones were found to be deeper and mellower and mightier than the tones of any other bell, reaching even beyond the distance of one hundred li, like a pealing of summer thunder; and yet also like some vast voice uttering a name of Ko-Ngai. And still, between each mighty stroke there is a long low moaning heard and when the people hear that great golden moan they keep silence, but when the sharp and the sobbing of "Hiai!" then, indeed, do all the Chinese mothers whisper to their little ones: "Listen! that is Ko-Ngai crying for her shoe! That is Ko-Ngai calling for her shoe!"


· the conflict of the story is when they failed to make the bell the Celestial August ordered them to do.


· The climax of the story is when Ko- Ngai ngai jumped into the mixing of the marterials needed for making the bell and save her father's life.


· When Ko- Ngai sacrificed herself to make the great bell and save her father's life.



Ko- Ngai - Daughter of Kouan-Yu and the one who sacrificed herself.

Kouan- Yu - a worthy mandarin and father of Ko- Ngai.


Celestial August- The son of heaven.



- Nearly 500 years ago


- Pe King Currently Beijing, China


The theme of the story is Life process because it is showed in the story the experiences of Kouan- Yu and Ko- Ngai and what a child can do in order to save his/her parents.

Point of view

Third person because the narrator is not a participant in the story thus, the focus is in the character of Ko- Ngai.


For me, the conflict is man vs. supernatural because Kouan- Yu and Ko- Ngai are against the elements outside of the natural realm like a celestial being in the place of Celestial August.


7.C When Ko-Ngai found out the letter of Celestial August and read exactly the content of the letter. of casting the metal.

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