This is to assess you about your knowledge in landslides. Just put a smiley face if you agree with the statement and sad face if you disagree. 16. The human activities can trigger landslides such as occupying a large area of forest for housing 17. I have witnessed a landslide. 18. Volcanic eruption is caused by human activity that can cause landslides. 19. Quarrying is a human activity that can cause landslides. 20. Mining is a human activity that can cause landslides. 21. Illegal logging is a human activity that can cause landslides. 22. Wild animals are the reason that landslides are triggering. 23. Wet land or soil are at lower risk to cause landslides. 24. Only the professionals that studies landslides can help prevent or slow down landslides from happening. 25. I plant trees to help prevent or to slow down landslides from happening.​