1. Which of the following statements is FALSE?
a. Evaporation is a physical change.
b. Sublimation is a chemical change.
c. Sublimation is a physical change.
d. Combustion is a chemical change.
2. Which of the following exhibits a chemical change?
a. A chemist combined an acid with a base.
b. A person dyed his hair blue, using nonpermanent dye.
c. A bar of gold melted after being exposed to extreme heat.
d. An astronaut’s weight on Earth differed from his weight on the moon.
3. Which of the following displays a physical change?
a. Baking a cake
b. Grating of cheese.
c. Ripening of a banana.
d. Rusting of metallic window frames.
4. Which of the following is NOT an extensive property of matter?
a. color b. mass c. density d. volume
5. Which of the following is an intensive property of matter?
a. Mass b. weight c. volume d. temperature
6. Which refers to the ability of metals to be shaped into sheets?
a. ductility b. plasticity c. malleability d. conductivity
7. The formation of clouds in the sky is the result of this kind of phase change.
a. Condensation b. Deposition c. evaporation d. sublimation
8. The atomic model by Democritus and Leucippus differs in many ways from Dalton’s atomic model, except in the statement that says __________________________________.
a. Atoms have different masses.
b. Atoms come in different shapes and sizes.
c. All atoms of a given element are identical.
d. All matter is composed of small indivisible particles called atoms.
9. The atomic number is equal to the number of _______________ in an atom.
a. quarks b. protons c. leptons d. neutrons
10. Who discovered protons through the gold-foil experiment?
a. Joseph Thomson c. Irene Joliot-Curie
b. James Chadwick d. Ernest Rutherford
11. Which scientific law suggests that when an individual matter combines with another through a physical or chemical change, its mass is equivalent to the sum of the masses of the combined matter? a. Coulomb’s Law c. Law of Definite Proportions
b. Law of Multiple Proportions d. Law of Conservation of Mass
12. Which of the following is the sum of the protons of gallium and strontium?
a. 69.0 b. 69.72 c. 87.61 d. 157. 33
13. Which element has the highest electronegativity value?
a. fluorine b. francium c. oxygen d. hydrogen
14. Which property increases from top to bottom within a group.
a. Atomic radius c. electronegativity
b. Electron affinity d. ionization energy
15. Which noble gas has the highest ionization energy?
a. Ar
b. He
c. Ne
d. Xe