solution b. concentrated For numbers 15 and 16, refer to the table below: Step Number 1 Amount of water 50 ml Amount of sugar 3 g 2 50 ml 50 ml 5g Observation After stirring, sugar completely dissolves After stirring, sugar completely dissolves After stirring , sugar completely dissolves After stirring , sugar completely dissolves After stirring, some sugar have not completely dissolves 50 ml 6g 5 50 ml 7g d. Step 5 c. Amount of sugar 15. Base on the given data, what particular step number is considered as a saturated solution? a. Step 1 b. Step 3 c. Step 4 16. On the observation, what do you think is the factor that cause the change in the result of the experiment? a. The amount of water b. Application of stirring d. None of these 17. How many mL of ethyl alcohol are present in a 60ml bottle of a 70% alcohol solution? a. 0.42 mL b. 4.2 mL c. 42.0 mL d. 420mL 18. Julie has a 10k jewelry. How many percent of Gold is present in Julie's jewelry? a. 40.67% b. 41.67% c. 42.67% d. 43.67% than the​

Solution B Concentrated For Numbers 15 And 16 Refer To The Table Below Step Number 1 Amount Of Water 50 Ml Amount Of Sugar 3 G 2 50 Ml 50 Ml 5g Observation Afte class=