Activity 1
Copy and fill in the crossword puzzle on your notebook with the words missing
from the sentences below. Match the number of the sentence to the boxes
placed across or down the grid. If filled out correctly, the words will fit neatly
into the puzzle.

1 ____________ materials and tools needed for the project.
2 Something designed or used as a model for making things is called ____________.
3 Title of the project or ___________ of the project.
4 ___________ and tools are also needed in project plan.
5 The sewing machine is a great help in making ____________ easy and fast.
6 Setting _______________ tell how something should be done.

1 A series of steps followed in a regular definite order is ______________.
2 Pillow case, placemat, curtain, bed sheet and table napkins are some examples of
household ________.
3 Value judgment and assessment are the synonyms of ___________.
4 ____________ is a document that contains a project scope and objective.

Activity 1 Copy And Fill In The Crossword Puzzle On Your Notebook With The Words Missing From The Sentences Below Match The Number Of The Sentence To The Boxes class=