What I Have Learned
Activity 5: Matching Type
Identify what is being referred by the following definition about observing the
language of research, advocacy, and campaign. Match Column A with Column B.
Column B
Column A
A.research paper
1. It is necessary in many areas of academic writing to
avoid making statements that can be contradicted.
B. cohesion
2. It is primarily conveyed by the trustworthiness and
competence of the source and the provision of convincing
C. informing
3. It can be defined as purposive attempts to inform or
influence behaviors in large audiences within a specified
time using an organized set of communication
4. It is a piece of academic writing that provides
D. cautious style
analysis, interpretation, and argument based on in-depth
independent research,
5. It is described as simple, explicit, and detailed
E. campaigns
presentation of content that is comprehensive and
comprehensible to receivers.
6. It is a quality of message that requires only one main
F. credibility
point communicated or, if that is not possible, two or three at
the most.
7. It means joining a tout