UNIFIED LEARNING ASSESSMENT TOOL IN MAPEH (ARTS) 6 (Quarter 2, Week 3 and 4) Directions: Match Column A to Column B. Write the letter on the blank provided before each number. A B 1. Color a. an element of art closely related to shape 2. Texture b. an area defined by an outline or edge 3. Visual Texture c. are non-geometric, free-form shapes and can't be measured mathematically 4. Actual Texture d. shapes that can be simple or complex and generally give an artwork a sense of order. 5. Shape e. an element of art defined as the path of a point moving through space. 6. Geometric shapes f.it describes the feel of an actual surface 7. Irregular shapes B. the illusion of texture in an artwork 8. Form h. the actual feeling of a surface that can be touched. а 9. Line i. refers to the lightness and darkness of colors 10. Value J. the visual property of the pigment of an object that is detected by the eye and produced as a result of the way the object reflects or emits light k. the uniform repetition of any of the elements of art​