in your own understanding, explain fully the 1. tender meat separated from tough meat 2. thick portion separated from thin portion 3. muscles must be cut across the meat fibers 4. cheap part's separated from expensive parts

Sagot :


1. Tender meat separated from tough meat - methods of cooking

---- Collagen, a connective tissue, helps hold the muscle fibers in meat together, when cooled, in the presence of moisture, collagen disolves into gelatin, which allows the meat fibers to separate more easily.

2. Thick portion separated from thin portion--- for more accurate whatever is used with this two portion.

3. Muscles must be cut across the meat fibers --- consider the width pf the slice as well as cutting against the grain, because muscle fibers run parallel to each other, cutting large slices across the fiber leaves enough of tough muscle chew.

4.  Cheap parts separated from expensive parts --- profit margin is higher when expensive parts are sold, despite the fact that cheap parts have advantages, they must still be separated.


Hello! I am not so sure about my answers but I hope it hepls. Good day pips!