DIGESTIVE AND RESPIRATORY SYSTEMS ACTIVITY 1: FOLLOW MY PATH! Direction: Arrange the statements according to the process of digestion in the body. Use numbers 1-10, where 1 is the first step of the digestion process, followed by 2 and so on. Write the number in the space provided. a. The pharynx receives the food from the mouth. b. Biting, chewing, and breaking the food into smaller particles, Saliva and enzymes are produced during this stage. c. The wastes or leftovers in a liquid state wil pass through the large intestine and eventually become solid, d. The esophagus transports the partially digested food into the stomach e. Peristalsis is also at work in the small intestine, moving food through and mixing it up with the digestive secretions from the pancreas and liver, including bile. f. The large intestine stores the stool or wastes, g. The stomach stores the chum foods and further mixes and grinds the food by secreting enzymes to break up foods and kills germs. h Food nutrients were absorbed in the small intestine through the blood. i. The wastes will go to the rectum and finally be eliminated through the anus, i. From the stomach, the digested food will go to the small intestine and will further digest it using the enzymes realesed by the pancreas.​