The infomation that follows will teach you how to accomplish the form in order to acquire materials Procedure: 1. State the name of the project and date when you requested for materiais 2. Fill in the classification of the project and its purpose. 3 Write the number of required materials. 4. List the unit of materials to be requisitioned 5. Enumerate the materials with their description. List the cost per unit and the total cost. 7. Write your name as requisitioner 8. Secure the approval of authorities concerned Total SAMPLE OF A REQUISITION FORM Suggested Project Buletin Board DATE Balance on Requisition Materials and Unit Hand Quantity Unit Description price 1 Piece Pywood 1 Liter Stain Maple Kilo Finishing na 1172 1 Sand Paper Liter QDE Boysen (Green) Thinner (Lacquer) 1 piece Paint brush 2 1 P 700.00 P110.00 P 30.00 P 50.00 P 150.00 P 80.00 P 20.00 P1040.00 SHOP TEACHER: REQUISITIONER: SUPPLY OFFICER:​