1 Which of the following gives the factors of
2 + 5 + 4?
A. ( + 1)( + 4) C. ( + 2)( + 2)
B. ( + 5)( − 1) D. ( + 2)2
2. Which of the following is the factored form of the expression 5x2- 13x-6?
A. (x-3)(5x+ 2) B. (x+3)(5x+ 2) C. (x-3)(x +2) D. (x+3)(x+2)
3. The following are examples of polynomials, EXCEPT_________.
A. 5x4 – 6x + 9x2 C. 2x3 – 7x2 + √ + 8
B. 6 + x – 4x2 + x3 D. 7 + 2x – 8x2
4. One of the factors of 2
2 + 5a − 12 is a+4. What is the other factor?
. 2 − 3 B. 2 + 3 C. 2 − 8 D. 2 + 8
5. Which of the following statements is true?
A. The square of a binomial is also a binomial.
B. The terms of the cube of a binomial are all positive.
C. The product of a sum and difference of two terms is a binomial.
D. The product of a binomial and a trinomial is the square of a trinomial.
6. If − 3 is a factor of
3 + 2
2– 9 − 18 , what are the other factors?
A. ( + 2) and ( − 3) C. ( + 2) and ( + 3)
B. ( − 2) and ( + 3) D. ( − 1) and ( + 6)
7. Find the missing terms: ( + ______)(3 + _____) = 3
2 + 27 + 24
A. 6,4 B. 4,6 C. 8,3 D. 12,2
8.Which of the following is a polynomial expression to the 4th degree?
B. A. 42 + 4 − 8 C. 43 + 2 + 4
C. B. 4
4 − 8
3 + 1 D. 4
4 − 8
3 +
2 − 4
4 + 4
9. Factor the expression completely. 2x2 + 4x – 16
A. 2(x+4)(x-4) C. 2x(x- 2)(x+ 4)
B. 2(x- 2)(x+ 4) D. 2(x+ 2)(x- 4)
10. Factor the expression completely. 6x3- 4x2- 16x
A. 2x(3x+4)(x+ 2) B.2x(3x2)(2x- 8) C. 2x(3x+4)(x- 2) D. 4x(2x+1)(x- 4)
11. Known to be the process of simplification of many algebraic expressions and is
a useful tool in solving higher degree equations.
A. Factoring B. Simplifying C. Multiplying D. Adding
12. Beth factored the expression 9
3 + 6
2 + 3 3(3
2 + 2). Did she factor it
A. Yes, because 3 is the common factor
B. No, because 3 is not the common factor
C. Yes, because there exists a common factor on all terms
D. No, the last term when factored out is 1 and should not be omitted
13. The leading coefficient in this polynomial expression, 128 + 2
5 − 40
, is ____.
A. 128 B. 2
5 C. 128 D. 2
14. Factor 8
3 + 27
3 completely.
A. (2 + 3)(4
2 − 6 + 9
) C. (2 − 3)(4
2 − 6 + 9
. (2 + 3)(4
2 + 6 + 9
) D. (2 − 3)(4
2 + 6 + 9
15. How many terms does the polynomial, 3
6 + 4
4 −
2 − 6 + 5 , have?
A. 6 B. 5 C. 4 D. 3